To put CDMA in presepective, just imagine yourself invited to an international conference where everyone is speaking in their own language. All you hear is just some noise , you just can't understand anything. Suddenly someone comes up and starts speaking your language. Hey that great, at last you can make sense of him over all that hubhub. but then more people come in to the room and you really have to strain to hear what he is saying and in fact sometimes you even can't understand him. That in a very basic way is what CDMA does in wireless communication. CDMA makes all the users speak different languages, and multiuser detection tries to minimize the effect of all that unwanted and un-understanable conversation going on around you. My research advisor is Prof. Babak Daneshrad . His constant advice and discussions always help to put me on the right track.
Ahmed M. El-Tawil
[email protected]
Date Last Modified: 01/10/99