Ahmed M.
El-Tawil 4499 A Via Marisol, Apt
203 Los Angeles,
90042. USA HI! I'm a graduate student at the
I'm Egyptian, Born in Nigeria in 1975, I then moved back to Egypt where I graduated in 1997 from the Electrical Engineering Dept. Cairo University. I came to California in 1998 to pursue a Masters in Electrical Engeering and hopefully a Ph.D.
My primary research interest is in low power circuit design for wireless CDMA communication systems.
This homepage is actually a hobby of mine, I tried to put in the links area a collection of very cool links to many different things ranging from software to cool vacations (cheap..... for us students), from professional links to homepages of many of my friends.
Ahmed M. El-Tawil
[email protected]
Date Last Modified: 01/10/99